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Belenos Group of Arts

The Pioneer of light shows

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Solo performances

Our light performances combine innovative led-equipment and beautiful handmade costumes with the magic of dance! The led-props used in these performances create captivating light patterns and pictures for the viewer to see. Our light shows are elegant and carefully structured and they charm audiences of all ages!


Light shows can be performed on the stage or among the audience as a movable performance in the event area. They are suitable for both in- and outdoor venues, for example festivals, corporate celebrations, launch events, weddings, birthdays and cultural events.


A darkening evening or an atmospherically lit venue create the best setting for an enchanting show, but our performances can be customized to suit daytime events as well. Light show is an excellent alternative for venues, where fire show is not possible.


The length of the choreographed shows can vary from 2 to 10 minutes and it can be performed once or several times, as a whole or in parts.


Whether a surprise, finale number or reception show for your guests – make your event memorable with a mesmerizing performance!

Lightshow Fuusio


Lightshow Fuusio

Multihoops and acrobatics are skillfully combined in the lightshow Fuusio!

The short, concise and marvelous show Fuusio is perfect as an opening show or a grand finale for any events! This one-woman spectacular lightshow combines acrobatics, circus and hooping! The breathtakingly beautiful ensemble is accompanied by electronic music. The show is built up slowly and reaches its magnificent peak at the end. The show is perfect for example for birthdays, festivals or gala events.


The show is approximately 7 minutes long and needs at least a 4mx4m wide and 3.5m high space. Fuusio can also be executed in daylight without led-lights. It's possible to combine lightshow Fuusio to bigger show combinations by Belenos! Ask for more information.

Levi Wand Elysium


Levi Wand Elysium

Elysium – Enchanting magic 

Elysium enchants with its unique magic and intense atmosphere. The focal point of the choreography is skilled performer with a levi wand, a prop that seems to float in the air as if by itself. The magical movement of the levi wand entwines with the effervescent of the music.


This luminous levi wand choreography leaves a deep impression on viewers and ignites their imagination. This prop is unique in Finland flow art scene. The length of the light show is approx. 4 minutes and the desired width of the space is 4m x 4m.


Belenos Group of Arts

Dance of lights and colors

Merilei Mandelin
+ 35840-4167696

Takkatie 10 B 2nd floor, 00370 Helsinki
Business ID: 2378805-6

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